The Naked Kitchen

Sesame Snow Pea Salad

Sesame Snow Pea Salad

Yup, I’m still on a pea kick!  I just can’t get enough of them right now.  This time I bought a bunch of snow peas at the grocery store and decided to whip up this fresh and crisp asian inspired salad.  I had this salad as a main dish but it would work great as a side too.  It was quick to throw together and so refreshing after a day out in the sun.  Perfect for summer!!!




  1. In a small bowl mix together the sesame oil, soy sauce, vinegars, ginger and honey.  Set aside.
  2. In a large bowl gently toss together the snow peas, cabbage, carrot, onion and cilantro.  Add the dressing and toss one more time to combine.
  3. Garnish with sesame seeds and serve.

Nutritional Info:

Makes 1 serving as a main dish or 2 servings as a side.

Nutrients based on 1 main dish serving.

Nutrients per serving:  Calories: 236, Cal. from Fat: 123, Total Fat: 14g, Sat. Fat: 2g, Carbs: 25g, Fiber: 5g, Sugars: 17g, Protein: 4g, Sodium: 1459mg, Chol: 0mg


Leftover salad can be stored in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 2 days.

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Sesame Snow Pea Salad
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