The Naked Kitchen

Slim in 6 DVD Workout Review

Slim in 6 DVD Workout

The most popular resolution that people make for the New Year is losing weight. Yet so many, by February or March, are no longer sticking to that resolution. WHY? Most people start a restrictive diet and get a gym membership where they do the same exercises over and over again. No wonder 3 months into it and they are done. Who wants a diet that is restrictive and exercise that is repetitive and boring? We already know that eating naked is all about feeding yourself healthy and wholesome foods but what about exercise? How do you keep things interesting so that you stick to an exercise program? You need to find something you love! Whether it’s running, riding your bike or simply walking, if you have something you like to do – you’ll do it and stick to it!

I love running and walking! Being outside in the fresh air, turning up my music and getting in some exercise is pure heaven. Unfortunately I live in the Chicago area and going outside in the winter is just not my thing! While I have a treadmill that I can use, I’m not a fan of indoor running or walking. When I’m forced inside during the winter months I find myself making excuses not to exercise. ”I’ll take today off” or “It’s too late to workout now” or “I’ll get back into it tomorrow” – excuses, excuses, excuses. I had to find another type of exercise program that would work for me. Something that I could do at home and that would be fun and keep me motivated. Well, I found it! Slim in 6 by professional fitness coach Debbie Siebers.

Professional Fitness Coach Debbie Siebers

What’s included?

The Slim in 6 program includes:

Bonus workouts and extras:

The Pros:

1. If you are looking for a program that will tone you up and help you shave off some inches then you have a sure winner here! One of the best things with this workout is that you are working your WHOLE body. Debbie works every muscle group! You really get a total body workout. She’s combined strength training and aerobic activity to give you a workout that will not only tone you but get you fit.

2. Personally I love Debbie – I had never heard of her before purchasing this DVD set. I like that she is relatable. For me, I often feel so discouraged when the trainer in the videos are hardcore and ripped. It’s like I’m never working hard enough cause I don’t look like them. Debbie is toned and you can tell she’s in amazing shape but she looks like a normal, everyday woman. It feels like I’m working out with a friend rather than a trainer.

Counter and timer on bottom of screen

3. I love that a timer and counter are on the screen at all times. Each time you start a different move there is a counter that counts down how many more reps you have left to do! Plus there is a timer that is always there showing you how much time is left in your workout. It’s so helpful!

4. If I can do this program ANYONE can do this program. I’m what you would call – COMPLETELY uncoordinated. I can watch someone put 2 feet together and I will still not get it right the first time around. The first video shows you all the moves and puts them together in a simple workout. Debbie gives excellent instructions and shows you the proper techniques and positions for each move. I was able to figure them out quickly and in no time was doing the moves as seamlessly as she was. Because I had the basic moves down by the time I switched to the next 2 DVD’s I had no problem keeping up right from the beginning.

5. I love that you start off with a 30 minute workout and then ease your way up. On average it takes 21 days for a change to become habit. I’ve tried home workout programs in the past and have given up way too quickly because they took way too long to complete and for someone starting out I did not have the strength to do it all. I never gave myself a chance to make it a habit. But with Slim in 6 you work out for the first 1-2 weeks on the first video which is 30 minutes. I was so surprised at how fast those 30 minutes went! I actually looked forward to those 30 minutes each day. By the time I switched to the 2nd DVD I had already made working out part of my daily routine and switching to a full 55 minutes wasn’t that big of a change. For those that have a hard time sticking to a program this is a perfect way to change that behavior!

6. If you are not a fan of constant babble then you’ll love this program. Debbie keeps it simple. She shows you how to do the moves and will encourage you to “Get to it” but there isn’t talking just to fill the time.

The Cons:

If you are extremely overweight and out of shape you’ll probably want to opt for a lower impact workout first. While each video does have a person working out along side Debbie that shows you alternative moves for lower impact – you still need to be somewhat in shape to start this program.

What’s Next?

Slim in 6 is a DVD series that is put out by Beachbody. While you can purchase the videos through Amazon it’s actually cheaper to buy them from Beachbody – Beachbody total is $59.85 for the entire set. If you already have a Beachbody coach you can purchase them directly through your coach or you can click on the link below to purchase them.

To Purchase Slim in 6 Click Here!

Please note that I am not compensated for any purchases made through this link. The link simply allows you to purchase the set through Beachbody.

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