Friday, 21 Feb 2025

About Us


I am lucky enough to be happily married to my soul mate and fortunate enough to be a stay at home mom to 2 wonderful, beautiful and fun filled children who I have the pleasure of homeschooling. I love learning about nutrition and all the many ways healthy eating impacts your life. I am a certified Fitness Nutritionist, certified Plant Based Nutritionist and certified Holistic Nutritionist.


As a runner I have been eating healthy for many years but as I’ve learned more about nutrition I have gradually adapted my eating to a completely unprocessed, unrefined whole food plant based diet. I love to cook and enjoy everything about food from the beauty of it’s colorful palette to it’s diverse tastes and textures and all the ways to combine and cook ingredients to bring out the best from them. I hope to be able to impart some of my love of (healthy) food and cooking to anyone who reads this blog looking for ways to improve their health and life with food.