Monday, 21 Oct 2024
Desserts Gluten Free Kid Friendly Recipes Snacks Vegan Vegetarian

Homemade Candy Bars

Homemade Candy Bars

Bag of chocolate chips – $4.99.  Pack of peanuts – $3.99.  Getting your candy bar fix without cheating – PRICELESS!  Who would have ever thought you could eat a candy bar without any refined sugars or added preservatives?!  Not only is this candy bar completely clean but it’s less than 130 calories and only 4.5 grams of fat.  Be warned – it is really hard to eat just one!




  1. Place the dates and peanuts in a blender or food processor.  (If you are not using a food processor make sure you have a powerful blender – I use my Vitamix blender.)

    Place dates and peanuts in a blender or food processor

    Place dates and peanuts in a blender or food processor

  2. Process until you have a smooth consistency.

    Press peanut mixture into the bottom of a glass baking dish

    Press peanut mixture into the bottom of a glass baking dish

  3. Transfer the mixture to an 8 x 8 glass baking dish.  Using the back of a large spoon (or your fingers) to press the mixture into the dish to form the first layer.  If you have excess oil from the peanuts simply use a papertowel to absorb it. Set aside.
  4. In a large bowl add the brown rice puffs and set aside.
  5. In a large saucepan add 1 cup brown rice syrup.  Heat on high until bubbles start to form (about 1 minute).  Remove from heat and immediately pour over the brown rice puffs.  Stir to combine and transfer to baking dish and pour on top of the peanut layer.
  6. Again, using the back of a spoon (or your fingers) press the brown rice puffs into the baking dish to form the second layer.
  7. In a small saucepan add the chocolate chips, 2 tbsp milk and 1 tbsp brown rice syrup (if your chocolate isn’t sweet enough for your tastes try adding in a tbsp more syrup until you reach the sweetness level you desire).  Heat on medium for about 3 minutes until the chocolate is melted and smooth (if the mixture is too thick add another tbsp of milk and stir to combine).  You will need to constantly stir the chocolate chips to ensure you don’t burn the chocolate.

    Pour melted chocolate on top and smooth with a spoon

    Pour melted chocolate on top and smooth with a spoon

  8. Remove the chocolate from the heat and immediately pour over the rice puff layer.  Coat the entire layer of rice puffs with chocolate and smooth with the back of a spoon (don’t use your fingers this time!)

    All 3 layers

    All 3 layers

  9. Place the baking dish in the refrigerator for about 15 minutes.  Once the chocolate has hardened cut the candy bars into 1 x 2 inch pieces.

Nutritional Info:

Makes 32 servings.

Serving size 1 candy bar.

Nutrients per serving:  Calories: 129, Cal. from Fat: 39, Total Fat: 4.5g, Sat. Fat: 1g, Carbs: 21g, Fiber: 1.5g, Sugars: 12g, Protein: 2g, Sodium: 8.5mg, Chol: 0mg


For this recipe I used Erewhon Crispy Brown Rice cereal for the brown rice puffs.  They also have a gluten free variety that works perfectly!  Make sure that whichever brand of rice puffs you use that you check the ingredients list for added refined sugars, chemicals or preservatives.

The candy bars need to be stored in the fridge but can be taken out and left at room temperature for about 15 minutes if you prefer a softer bar.  I actually like them better cold but I’m a sucker for chewy candy.

Like I mentioned before – it’s really hard to eat just one.  While these are perfect for a candy bar fix and an absolutely great “cheat” while still being free of artificial ‘crap’, they should still be eaten in moderation.  If your will power is somewhat lacking and you’re likely to give in to temptation then try giving some away as treats to friends, family and co-workers.  What a better way to share the joys of healthy eating then by passing out candy bars!!!!  You can also make half a batch or try freezing them and taking only one out for dessert each day.

Make sure to use a gluten free chocolate chip, the coconut nectar and a gluten free rice puff cereal for a gluten free candy bar.

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Homemade Candy Bars
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